PTFE tape

PTFE thread sealing tape for metal threads

PTFE tape

PTFE thread sealing tape for metal threads Use in all sanitary and heating circuits in the cold and hot water area. DVGW tested. DIN EN 751-3

Temperature resistance: -60 ° C to + 260 ° C / pressure: 20 bar FRp; DN ≤ 10 / GRp: 10 ≤ DN ≤ 50


  • easy and quick to use
  • non-flammable, non-flammable
  • no expiration date
  • resistant to fungal attack
  • does not swell
  • suitable for metal and plastic threads

The thread tape is on the right for right-hand threads and on left-hand threads
to the left from the thread run-out towards the end of the pipe tight and with
50% overlap wound on the thread. At the end of the thread this will be
Thread tape simply torn off and pressed on. During the subsequent
During the screwing process, the thread tape lies tightly in the individual threads.
The tape is intended for single use only.
Projections or ends of the tape must not protrude into the line.

PTFE-GoldexBand with DVGW test and BAM approval; DIN EN 751-3; DIN 30660 KTW for natural gas, oxygen, alkalis, chemicals, oil, water, petrol, etc. FDA-compliant

Application temperature: -400 ° F to + 500 ° F / -240 ° C to + 260 ° C / pressure: 30 bar for oxygen: up to + 60 ° C and 40 bar. Liquid + gaseous.

GebindeVerpackungseinheitBestellnr.Dichte g/m2
Frp250 Stück2401060
Grp250 Stück24011100
GoldexBand10 Stück33234142
05222 / 20622
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