Leak-Fix Sealant for Pools

Leak-Fix Sealant for Pools

Leak-Fix Sealant for Pools

Leck-Fix seals small leaks in swimming pools of various types of construction (concrete, polyester, acrylic), as well as on the pipelines laid in the ground. The sealant can treat leaks in the order of 0.5 m³ to 0.8 m³ per day for a pool size between 50 m³ and 60 m³ (corresponds to the sinking of the water level by about 2 centimeters for a pool of 10 m x 5 m). In case of larger damages, unfortunately, more extensive measures are necessary.

ContainerPackaging unitOrder number
1 liter6 piece 09118
05222 / 20622
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