Fermit Special

Light and smooth thread sealing paste easy and quick to use and does not harden.

Fermit Special

Use in conjunction with hemp. Not for gas and drinking water systems in house installation.

  • Easy to process
  • sealing immediately
  • can be dismantled at any time
  • not drying up
  • reliable and safe

For all threads according to DIN 2999 up to a diameter of 2 inches. Gas, water, heating and compressed air systems up to a maximum of 10 bar pressure. In the case of flange seals, coat both sides with Fermit-Spezial

Temperature range: -25 ° C to + 100 ° C / pressure: 10 bar

70 g Tube24 Stück02001
500 g Dose12 Stück02003
05222 / 20622
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