BonnaTex “R” – PTFE packing cord

Expandierte PTFE-Packungsschnur (rund) aus 100% reinem PTFE

BonnaTex “R” – PTFE packing cord

With a molecularly stretched fibre structure.

Typical applications: Flanges, components such as pipelines, component and machine housings, pumps, compensators, ventilation and air conditioning systems, heat exchangers, etc. / Materials such as GRP, glass, ceramics, graphite, aluminium, steel and rubberised materials / This cord can be used universally. The soft and supple material can be shaped in any way and optimally adapts to any surface. BonnaTex “R” is chemically stable against all media in the entire pH range. The only exceptions are molten alkali metals (e.g. sodium, potassium) elemental and gaseous fluorine at high temperature and pressure. / Range of application Temperature: -240°C to +260°C / Short-term up to +315°C Pressure range of application from vacuum to 200 bar depending on operating conditions and installation situation.


  • universally applicable
  • easy installation
  • high temperature resistance
  • no ageing
  • high chemical resistance
  • resistant to weathering light
ContainerRoll length in metresOrder no.Tests/ ApprovalsDurchmesser mm
PTFE-Packungsschnur BonnaTex „R“50441611, 3, 5, 6, 71,0
PTFE-Packungsschnur BonnaTex „R“25 441631, 3, 5, 6, 73,0
PTFE-Packungsschnur BonnaTex „R“25441681, 3, 5, 6, 7 5,0
PTFE-Packungsschnur BonnaTex „R“25441671, 3, 5, 6, 7 7,0
PTFE-Packungsschnur BonnaTex „R“10441701, 3, 5, 6, 710,0
05222 / 20622
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