BonnaTex FA


BonnaTex FA

BonnaTex “FA” and “FB” are flat sealing tapes made of 100% pure expanded PTFE .

Typical applications:

Flanges, components such as piping, component and machine housings, pumps, expansion joints, ventilation air conditioning systems, heat exchangers, etc.

Materials such as GRP, glass, ceramics, graphite, aluminium, steel and rubberised materials.

These tapes are universally applicable. The soft and supple material can be shaped as desired and optimally conforms to any surface.

BonnaTex “FA” and “FB” are neatly wound on spools and can easily be cut to length with a sharp knife or scissors.

BonnaTex “FA” and “FB” are chemically stable against all media in the entire pH range. The only exceptions are molten alkali metals (e.g. sodium, potassium) elemental and gaseous fluorine at high temperature and pressure.

Temperature range of use: -240°C to +260°C / Short-term up to +315°C

Pressure application range from vacuum to 200 bar depending on operating conditions and installation situation.

  • universally applicable
  • easy installation
  • high temperature resistance
  • no ageing
  • high chemical resistance
  • resistant to weathering light
ContainerRoll length in metresOrder no.Tests/ ApprovalsWidth x thickness mm x mm
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“25441031, 2, 3, 4, 5 3,0 x 1,5
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“25 441051, 2, 3, 4, 5 5,0 x 2,0
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“25441071, 2, 3, 4, 5 7,0 x 2,5
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“25441101, 2, 3, 4, 5 10,0 x 3,0
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“10441121, 2, 3, 4, 512,0 x 4,0
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“10441141, 2, 3, 4, 514,0 x 5,0
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“5441171, 2, 3, 4, 517,0 x 6,0
PTFE-Flachdichtungsband BonnaTex „FA“5 441201, 2, 3, 4, 520,0 x 7,0
05222 / 20622
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